Below are free printable versions of my lesson plan notes.
The knowledge for these notes took over 2 months to prepare and are derived from:
The Balloon Flying Handbook
FAR/AIM (2022)
Flight Instructors Handbook
Some lesson notes are incomplete and always being improved upon. If you have any notes, recommendations, or additions, please don't hesitate to contact me. A safe aviator never stops learning and growing .
Its important to share learning aids and knowledge with our future aviators. I keep them freely accessible because I, like many of us, was once a starving pilot. To help support this website if you are financially able, please donate to the AubreyAire Summer Internship program and support a future pilot. If you are not financially able, I ask that you pay it forward in your aviation career, and help those in your community with your own knowledge and guidance.
Flames up! -Aubrey